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2024.09.20 - Onet (Poland) - Interview with Duff

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2024.09.20 - Onet (Poland) - Interview with Duff Empty 2024.09.20 - Onet (Poland) - Interview with Duff

Post by Blackstar Yesterday at 3:44 am

Original article in Polish:


He experienced horror. His pancreas burst. He was given a few months to live.

Duff McKagan is the iconic bassist of Guns N' Roses, a former member of Velvet Revoler and one of Iggy Pop's collaborators. The musician has also been successfully evolving as a solo artist for years. Soon, on October 13, he will play at Warsaw's Barn as part of the promotional tour for his latest album "Lighthouse." In an interview with Onet, the rock star admitted that he loves coming to Poland. He revealed in passing that he is aware of what is happening politically in our country. Heavily experienced by life, McKagan also spoke candidly about the horror of his alcohol and drug addiction, which almost cost him his life.

By Kamil Dachnij

- In an interview with Onet, the musician admitted that he loves coming to our country and appreciates the enthusiasm of Polish rock fans
- The 60-year-old bassist admitted that after a two-year tour with Guns N' Roses he badly needed a rest
- McKagan addressed his problems with substances, which nearly killed him in 1994 when his pancreas exploded
- McKagan was critical of the political situation in the US. He stressed that he has observed a similar situation in Poland, in which the two major parties hate each other
- Duff McKagan will play a solo concert at Warsaw's Barn on October 13

Kamil Dachnij: You are playing another concert in Poland, but this time you are coming with a solo repertoire. How do you perform in front of Polish fans? Do you act differently than in the rest of the world, or does the country not matter anyway?

Duff McKagan: You know what I've noticed when it comes to Poland? I've already said it, by the way, in another interview, but I won't repeat those words, just because you're Polish. During my career, which lasted 40 years or something, I toured the whole world and I could observe how music fans behave. And Polish fans are super into rock. More so than most countries I can think of. I have no idea what happened in Poland and why you love live music so much, but your country is really a great place to tour. And not just for Guns N' Roses performances.

In 2019, I played the first show of my "Tenderness" album tour in your country. I had Shooter Jennings' band at my side, but I wasn't sure if this kind of music would be well received in Poland. And hey, people knew all the lyrics to my songs! They even cried. I thought then: "maybe we should play in Poland all the time". Polish rock fans are rock maniacs.

I think we can call you a workaholic. Your discography is extensive. In addition to Guns N' Roses, you have albums with bands like Velvet Revolver and Loaded. You do solo stuff. Do you think sometimes slowing down would be a good thing, or do you just like to act that way?

This summer was the first time I didn't work. In fact, I can't remember the last time I was able to relax like this. I was able to go to live shows with my wife. We even saw The Rolling Stones and Metallica. We were in the south of France for our 25th marriage anniversary. After a two-year tour with Guns, I needed my body to rest. It worked out, so now I'm ready for the "Lighthouse" tour. And it's a great thing, because I get a chance to play a slightly different show than with Guns.

What motivates you to write new songs? We've been living in an era of nostalgia for a long time, so fans at concerts prefer to listen to old songs. And you can play them and have a pleasant retirement.

Yes, I could play old Guns songs for myself, settling down, as they say. But that's not why I became a musician. I've been a songwriter since I was 14. And I write all the time. It is something that fuels me. I love exploring different synth, guitar or percussion sounds. I'll keep doing it for the rest of my life.

Well, that's right, a creative artist. You recorded as many as 60 songs during the sessions for "Lighthouse." How were you able to choose 11 songs for the album? It seems impossible.

I could release two more albums at the moment. As for "Lighthouse," I knew I had an opening and closing number. The key was to think what to put in between. And I had a lot of songs to choose from to tell a story. Since then I have recorded even more songs. Now I have somewhere around 75.

Oh mother.

Yes, I'm constantly putting something in. I have my own studio, which is about four minutes from my house, so when something pops into my head, I go ahead and record it. It's gotten to the point where I even sometimes forget about them, there are so many.

Do you have any songs that you find difficult to play live?.

The songs for "Lighthouse," which I recorded on my own during the Covid pandemic, are a bit of a challenge. Due to the fact that I didn't have any other musicians to help me at the time, I put in so many choruses that a small orchestra actually came out of it. If I were to assemble a band to play it, they would all have to be vocalists. The technically difficult thing is just to play it all properly at the shows. You can't crank the volume up to 11 and go wild with this music. You have to show a certain amount of flair. It's a fun challenge.

As a teenager, when I looked at you, I saw a punk rocker with a rebellious attitude. Now, after so many years, I can also see a rather fragile guy in you. Weren't you afraid to show your more vulnerable side to the world?

I grew up in the first wave of punk rock in the late 1970s. I was a kid then, but I learned that punk rock was based on truth. The bands I liked told the truth. And I feel I do the same in my songs. It may seem emotional, but that's life. I'm not afraid to explore it lyrically. And if I have the right melody, I go for it. That's what punk rock is for me.

I always wonder if a rocker like you, who has had great success, regrets something in his career. Or perhaps you accept that the past is the past and just move on.

I managed to overcome my addiction to alcohol and drugs many years ago. I was in my early 30s at the time. The substance abuse made me not remember playing many big gigs. I would have preferred to be more sober in 1992 and 1993, when we traveled most of the world with Guns.

But do I regret that I drank and did drugs so much? Probably not. You know why? Because it taught me how to live life to the fullest. Which is what I've been doing since I gave up using substances.

Of course, I learned some things in a painful way. But each of us has experienced the difficulties of life in different ways. And thanks to the fact that I have been sober for so long, I try not to regret anything. I have taken responsibility for my actions. I talked to people who interacted with me while I was not sober. And after that I moved on.

How hard is it to stay sober after overcoming drug and alcohol addiction? Dave Gahan of Depeche Mode can't even sip a drop of wine.

For me, it's not difficult. Maybe the first year was hard, because I thought along the lines of "Oh, maybe I'll go back to drinking?". But it passed, and all in all I don't even think about it. Do you know what my life was like when I was addicted? It was horror [In 1994, Duff ended up in the hospital. His pancreas burst from alcohol consumption, causing the musician to suffer internal third-degree burns. The primary care doctor feared that Duff had only a few months left to live, but luckily the star was given a second chance - ed].

I wouldn't want to go back to that for anything in the world. I'm not drawn to alcohol or drugs at all. People drink around me, but it doesn't bother me. My life is so good now that I don't want to f*** it up.

So after all these years, how do you evaluate your first solo album, "Believe in Me"? You said you recorded it heavily drugged.

I was so high that you can hear it in my voice. I was constantly screaming because I had cocaine in my throat. This is a good snapshot of what my life was like at the time. Chaotic and f***ed up. I'm glad this video exists because it's a reminder for me: "Don't do that again. Be a better singer and guitarist." That was 31 years ago, so a long time ago. Crazy thing when I think about it.

I am very curious about one thing. What was your reaction when Bob Dylan told the Wall Street Journal that "Chip Away" had "deep meaning" for him? Nick Cave once recalled meeting him. Dylan told him that he liked his stuff. Cave was so surprised by this that he didn't even take the time to respond.

It was along the lines of "what the f***?" I was sitting at home and suddenly my phone started buzzing like crazy. Friends were texting me: "Did you see that with Dylan? What the hell!" I didn't know what it was about. Well, and when I read the news, I couldn't believe my eyes. Until now, I actually run out of words. For me as a songwriter, it's hard to ask for better praise. Dylan is, after all, at the top in this regard. I even sent him a letter of thanks, which I enclosed with the "Tenderness" album. I don't know if it reached him. I later met with his son, Jakob. He told me that Dylan appreciated my work. That's crazy.

Wasn't Axl jealous?

Axl was actually one of the first people to text me when the Dylan thing popped up. You could tell he was happy.

I'm going to change the subject a bit. Will you watch the debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump? [The interview took place on September 10, a few hours before the event - ed. note]. What do you think about the current state of American politics? Is there anything that worries you?

I'm just now getting scheduled to rehearse for the tour, but I know my wife is going to watch the debate. I might go out of the studio to watch a little bit. But it all looks like a sports rivalry to me, not a political debate.

Two teams that hate each other. You probably know this from your experience, because the same thing is happening in Poland. How do I know this? I have a rule that when I come to a country, I like to learn something about it. As a result, I've become familiar with what your political scene is like, or Hungary's.

My general impression is that common decency has gone by the wayside lately. And I hate it. I'm a husband and a father. And I think decency is a beautiful thing. In America, I stopped watching our television somewhere around 2015. I prefer to turn on BBC News, where they don't broadcast about Trump all the time.

Social media is also to blame. They dumb people down. Everything is based on terms like "lock her up" or something like that. I'm not going to react to such things.

Do you have any plans for the future? What's next for you?

Guns N' Roses is getting some things lined up, but that will be announced in due time. I'm going to be so busy that I'm enjoying the break I had recently. My body is in for a rough grind.

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